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The Weather Channel. Cheryl Lemke The Weather Channel. Jeanetta Jones The Weather Channel. No longer with Network. & are not affiliated with ABC, Al Jazeera America, Bloomberg, CBS, CNN, ESPN, Fox News Channel, Fox Business Network, Fox Sports, NBC, NFL Network, The Weather Channel, Univision or any other news concern. Apr 17, 2018 - Great segment(s) from 'WUWA' of Stephanie Abrams. (7/28/15) © Weather Channel All Rights Reserved.

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Weather Channel Pokies On Tv

Richard ConnellyWeather
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When the graphic to the right appeared recently in USA Today, it led to talk about how a good editor needs a dirty mind to spot things like, we guess, a huffing sun giving a hand job to a thermometer.

But really, the weather always seems to attract the unfortunate sexual reference or two. Sometimes it's the language, sometimes it's the drawings, and sometimes it's just bad judgment on the part of the meteorologist.

Whatever the cause, here are five examples of weather porn.

5. How Stephanie Abrams likes to have sex The Weather Channel's Stephanie Abrams, describing some storms (we think): 'It's a weather quickie -- because when you get something just sitting there and unloading on you, that's when you run into a lot of problems...[There's] another one that's in-and-out, just how we like it.'

4. The Weather Penis The all-time classic, from San Angelo, giving KLST its 15 minutes of Web fame.

3. Tornado Penis How not to illustrate a tornado, unless you're into dick drawings.

2. Is that a storm or are you just glad to see me? At about the 30-second mark, this guy doesn't realize what he's showing, but the viewers commenting on it do.

1. A segue too far Okay, they're throwing it to you, weatherman, after a report about a Kansas City Chiefs player who wears number 69. And it's 69 degrees out. Still, you probably shouldn't make the joke about burying your face in pussy while getting your dick sucked.

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Romanian weather presenter Roxana Vancea became aware of her wardrobe malfunction after spontaneously breaking out into a jog...

Romanian weather presenter Roxana Vancea became aware of her wardrobe malfunction after spontaneously breaking out into a jog

Before the slip. Picture: Antena 1Source:Supplied

Weather Channel Alex Wilson Pokies

A MORTIFIED weather girl has become an internet sensation after accidentally flashing her assets live on air.

Roxana Vancea was reading the forecast on Romanian television before things heated up, reports The Sun.

Near the end of the video, she spontaneously broke out into a jog.

But unfortunately her bra couldn’t hold the weight of her breasts as she transitioned into a jumping jack.

And then they spilt out for everyone to see.

Roxana quickly tried to readjust her clothes as the shot changed to show her shocked colleagues, but the damage was already done.

Channel 5 News Doppler Radar

Since being uploaded, the footage has attracted four million views.

However, busty Roxana is not the first weather girl to achieve internet fame.

Just last week, the size of Yanet Garcia’s bum left viewers flummoxed.

This article was originally published on The Sun